Monday, August 30, 2010

Dog Blog #9 8/28/10

Saturday began with an early 7 o’clock bus ride to Columbia where we played 3 matches. We played for 50 minute blocks. The first game was against Missouri S&T, the second against Rockhurst, and the third against Quincy University. Overall it was a successful day, we improved from last weekend being more consistent with our faster offense and utilizing our aggressive serves to keep the other teams scrambling. Everyone rotated throughout the day. Today showed a lot of positives and also things that we need to continue working on. We ended the day refereeing, which is a bit of a bummer, but that’s what you get when you’re one of the closest teams. But at least we played well enough so Ben didn’t say, “Lunch has been cancelled due to lack of hustle”. So we went to Chipotle for a delicious after game meal.

Allyson “Stella” Stellmach #5

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